Dear Walmart . Here is one way I know you are getting scammed (and not by me but by an acquaintance , and I don't really like them all t… ...via Twitter.
So I took this picture of the sky a couple days ago when I found it especially nice . And then I look at my photos and I'm stumped wonderin… ...via Twitter.
Since I am ranting about Miss U.S.A, why isn't there a Mr. U.S.A pageant ? or Mr. Universe. That is a little sexist if you ask me. May 15… ...via Twitter.
Since I am ranting about Miss U.S.A, why isn't there a Mr. U.S.A pageant ? or Mr. Universe. That is a little... ...via Twitter.
So from the Miss U.S.A pageant on Sunday Night, this is what the winner of the pageant said in her question/answer portion. ... asked whet… ...via Twitter.